Elementary Private Schools Develop a Well-Rounded Education at Early Age

Elementary Private Schools Develop a Well-Rounded Education at Early Age

Instilling Personal Values at a Young Age


The elementary grades are highly-formative years for children that directly impact the value that students place on their own education. The lessons children are taught at this early age go far beyond reading and writing. Children form ideas of what their personal values look like and what is important to them. Learning about their community and how their actions fall within that community are essential to developing their idea of self.


Investing in Quality Elementary Education


Parents of young children choose elementary private schools to invest in a well-rounded education. Enrolling children in an elementary private school is an excellent way to ensure they will gain crucial learning skills and habits that will help them excel in future stages of their academic career. Studies completed by Statistics Canada show that children attending elementary private schools excel in core subjects far beyond students in public schools by the time they are 15 years old. Learning, creativity, literacy, numeracy and an understanding of technology are all important components of a well-rounded education. It is never too early to guide students towards the path of academia with the right tools and educators to ensure success.


Being involved in your child's education early on holds many benefits for future years. Parents who aim to instill in their children a positive attitude towards learning will greatly appreciate the curriculum and high standards of elementary private schools.


One-on-One Attention 


Parents are often concerned about their children receiving the attention they require in school to ensure their educational needs are met and they are not left behind. At the core of a successful educational institution are small classroom sizes. A low student-to-teacher ratio enables students to feel comfortable engaging and participating in group discussions and asking questions, resulting in a more comprehensive understanding of lesson material. Children show more confidence in themselves and their own ideas when they are engaged and empowered to share opinions and ask questions without recourse.


Smaller class sizes give students the opportunity to, not only engage with one another but establish trusting relationships with their teachers so they feel comfortable asking questions about lessons, homework and tests. Teachers are better able to determine where the strengths and weaknesses of each student lie and can help them to successfully overcome learning obstacles. Each student is encouraged to apply analytical thinking to all assignments and an emphasis is placed upon the technique of "learning by doing.” Being actively involved in their own learning helps children develop an inner passion for education.


Building Confidence through Extra-Curricular Activities


In the interest of helping each student become a well-rounded and socializedindividual, extra-curricular activities are greatly encouraged. Elementary private schools offer a wide range of activities for children to choose from. At the elementary school age, students are learning what interests them – academic and athletic groups are available to stimulate their early development in these types of activities. These clubs and teams aid in discovering and nurturing natural talents and contributing to an overall sense of self-confidence. Participating in athletics promotes living an active and healthy lifestyle, building relationships with peers and developing leadership skills. Clubs and organizations outside of athletics are highly valued for helping to create a passion within the students for art and culture. Regardless of the type of extra-curricular activity, these groups and teams provide students with the opportunity to establish long-lasting friendships, along with helping them understand the important balance between work and play.


Elementary private schools give students the tools that are required to help them stand out in their future academic endeavours. By placing an early emphasis on the importance of education, children have higher rates of success in high school, university and in the working world. 

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